If you are a blog subscriber, you may have noticed some repetitive traffic from our blog mailing list this past week.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but are pleased to announce that the NCAPB.com blog was recently moved to a faster server.   With this move, the blog pages should load much faster for our blog visitors. 

This behind-the-scenes update also presents an opportunity to highlight one of the key features of our appellate practice blog that you may not know about: the Rules and Practice Guides page.  In addition to the state and federal appellate rules, this page also provides a link to the latest copy of the Appellate Rules Style manual–an invaluable source in preparing appellate briefs and records to North Carolina’s appellate courts.

If you are getting ready for oral argument, be sure to read the recently released oral argument guides for the North Carolina Court of Appeals, the North Carolina Supreme Court, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.  There is also a new chart that highlights the differences between oral arguments at the North Carolina Court of Appeals, North Carolina Supreme Court, and Fourth Circuit. 

Finally, print out a copy of our North Carolina Appellate Rules and Procedures Checklist—a blog-exclusive resource created by members of the Smith Moore Leatherwood appellate practice team to help you keep track of your appellate deadlines and tasks.

 As always, we appreciate your comments and feedback.