articles about appellate lawMembers of Fox Rothschild’s Appellate Practice team are often called upon to write articles and present at CLEs.  We have gathered together some of the materials we have prepared in the past that may serve as useful resources for you.


“North Carolina Appellate Practice and Procedure,” the leading treatise on appellate practice in North Carolina, published by LexisNexis and available in print and on Lexis Advance. (Matthew Nis Leerberg and Beth Brooks Scherer)

CLE Presentation: “Life Preservers on the Titantic: Issues Not Properly Preserved for Appellate Review,” Oct. 2018 Appellate Practice Section Annual Meeting – September 28, 2018 (Beth Brooks Scherer and Allegra Collins)

CLE Presentation: “The Basics of Error Preservation” – February 2018 (Beth Brooks Scherer)

CLE Presentation: “Working with the Court Reporter to Preserve Your Appellate Record” – February 2018  (Beth Brooks Scherer & Ranae McDermott)

Faculty for North Carolina’s Inaugural CLE Program for the Appellate Division and the Administrative Office of the Courts, Presentation on”Emerging Issues of Appellate Practice and ProcedureAugust 2017 (Beth Brooks Scherer and Matthew Nis Leerberg)

Appellate Practice and Procedure: Tips and Traps to Be Aware Of in Today’s Appellate Environment,” North Carolina State Bar’s The Specialist – May 2017

The 20th Edition of The Bluebook: How to Cite Like a Law Review Rock Star,” Published in Per Curium, the newsletter of the Appellate Practice Section of the North Carolina Bar Association – May 2017 (Co-written by Beth Brooks Scherer and Allegra Collins)

Legislation and Appellate Rules Amendments Bring Sweeping Changes to Appellate Practice in 2017,”Lawyers Mutual Put Into Practice Newsletter January 2017 (Beth Brooks Scherer)

State Court Appeal Crash Course,”  CLE Presentation for North Carolina Bar Association’s Annual Year In Review Course—October 2016 (Presentation by Beth Brooks Scherer and Matthew Nis Leerberg)

Don’t Let This Happen To You: Fatal Mistakes In Preserving Error And Prosecuting Appeals,” (Presentation by Matthew Nis Leerberg and Beth Brooks Scherer)

A Peek At The Desk (And Computer) Of An Appellate Practice Specialist,” North Carolina State Bar’s The Specialist, December 2014 (Beth Brooks Scherer )

Appellate Rules Followers Beware: Another Party’s Post-Trial Motion May Not Toll Your Deadline For Filing A Notice Of Appeal“,
Per Curiam –Published by the Appellate Practice Section of the North Carolina Bar Association – Summer 2014 (Beth Brooks Scherer )

Helpful Resources for Appeals“, Article discussing appellate resources used most often by seasoned North Carolina attorneys– Lawyers Mutual Newsletter, Lawyers Mutual Put into Practice,  April 2012 (Beth Brooks Scherer )

The Appellate Brief: Tips and Pitfalls“, Outline from Effective Appeals from Experienced Advocates: A Review of North Carolina Appellate Practice, February 2010 (Judge Eagles)

Appellate Advocacy“, CLE Manuscript from Effective Appeals from Experienced Advocates: A Review of North Carolina Appellate Practice, February 2010 (Justice Exum)

Ethics on Appeal: Advocacy with Integrity“, CLE Manuscript from Effective Appeals from Experienced Advocates: A Review of North Carolina Appellate Practice, February 2010 (Matthew Nis Leerberg)

Know your Audience(s):  How to Write Appellate Briefs for Both Judges and Clerks“, The Litigator, Vol. 29, No. 2, February 2009 (Beth Brooks Scherer and Matthew Nis Leerberg)

Lesson From Viar, Hart, and Dogwood: Why Old Dogs (and New Puppies) Must be Taught New Appellate Tricks“, (Beth Brooks Scherer)

Understanding and Avoiding Appellate Rules – Violations in Light of Dogwood“, The Litigator, Vol. 29, No. 1, September 2008 (Beth Brooks Scherer)

Dogwood v. White Oak, Are We Out of the Woods Yet?” (Article discussing recent developments of appellate rule violation cases in North Carolina appellate courts – publication in Lawyers Mutual Liability Today, Vol. 30, Issue 2, Summer 2008) (Beth Brooks Scherer)