Whether at my desk or during courthouse visits, my Rules of Court book is usually close by. As previously blogged about here, here, here, and here, the Supreme Court of North Carolina issued three orders between December 2016 and March 2017 that re-codified and amended the Appellate Rules. In May 2017, Westlaw released a pocket supplement to its 2017 Rules of Court, which I dutifully added to the back of my book. That pocket update purported to include all amendments to the Appellate Rules through April 2017.
Unfortunately, it did not. While the December 22, 2016 Order Adopting Rule 31.1 and the March 16, 2017 Order Amending Rule 7 were included in the update, the December 20, 2016 order amending and re-codifying the entire set of Appellate Rules was not. Thus, the new appellate font rules–along with numerous other amendments–are missing from Westlaw’s most recent update.
My understanding is that Westlaw is working to correct its online version of the Appellate Rules by the end of the month. However, we will have to wait until Westlaw releases its 2018 Rules of Court for the re-codified Appellate Rules to be included in the print version.
In the meantime, the Supreme Court’s 2016 re-codification of the Appellate Rules (along with the two post-recodification orders) can be accessed through the Rules & Practice Guides page of this blog.
–Beth Scherer