You can hit your snooze button a little later on Tuesdays. Effective January 1, 2025, the Court of Appeals’ scheduled filing days for opinions will be the first and third Wednesday of the month, Since the Court will be issuing a big batch of opinions on New Year’s Eve (and no one wants to read opinions on New Year’s Day), January 15 will be January 2025’s only opinion release date. The rest of the year will follow the new schedule.
We are hearing that the move was made to help capture more opinions on release days. After the judges finish up their opinions, a team of people make the slip opinions “pretty” and upload them to the website for publication. Moving the opinion date to Wednesday should help the with opinions that are being finished up by the appellate bench’s weekend warriors.
Fun Fact: Matt Leerberg reports that the Court of Appeals is returning to its roots. Wednesday was the Court of Appeals’ original release day. The Court changed the day to Tuesdays around 46 years ago! And now the scheduled day has returned to Wednesdays.
Here’s hoping that January 15 is a happy hump day–for everyone except our appellate opponents!
–Beth Scherer