In the latest court appointment news, Governor McCroy has appointed Richard “Rich” Dietz to the North Carolina Court of Appeals seat being vacated by Judge Bob N. Hunter’s impending appointment to the North Carolina Supreme Court.

Soon to be Judge Dietz is no stranger to appeals.   In addition to having an active appellate practice, Judge Dietz is vice-chair of the NCBA’s Appellate Practice Section, a long-time member of North Carolina’s Appellate Rules Committee, and will be one of only two board certified appellate practice specialists on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. (Judge Martha “Marty” Geer is the other).

As reported previously, the timing of Judge Dietz’s appointment means he will not have to stand for election in the upcoming November 2014 election.  Instead, he will run to retain his seat in the November 2016 election.

Congratulations to Judge Dietz on his appointment!

–Beth Scherer