Appellate Rules Committee

The Appellate Rules Committee has updated its style–the Appellate Style Manual that is. The Style Manual provides practical examples and tips for those practicing in North Carolina’s state appellate courts. 
Continue Reading Update Your Style: Appellate Rules Committee Publishes Updated Style Manual and Guide to Appealability

Those who have known me for any length of time know that for more than a decade I have really, really wanted the Supreme Court to give appellate practitioners clarification
Continue Reading Like Sands Through the Hourglass: Supreme Court Revises Transcript-Related Rules

scary pictureUpdate: In February 2021, the Supreme Court granted the defendant’s petition for discretion review. 

Since 2015, this blog has frequently discussed whether the text of Appellate Rule 21 places restrictions
Continue Reading “They’re baaaaack!”– Disagreements Regarding Scope of Permissible Relief under Appellate Rule 21 and In re Civil Penalty

It is beginning to feel like a bi-annual holiday tradition between me and our blog readers: another rule-update summary.  Yesterday afternoon, the Supreme Court issued its latest order amending the
Continue Reading Supreme Court Issues Order Amending the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure: 2018 Holiday Edition

The Appellate Rules Committee has updated the Appellate Style Manual, which is intended to give practical examples and tips for those practicing in North Carolina’s appellate courts.  Though not a
Continue Reading It Never Goes out of Style

Today, the Supreme Court issued its final batch of opinions and two sets of rules amendments for 2017.  We will bring you more information in the days that come, but
Continue Reading Breaking Appellate and Business Court News Day In The North Carolina Supreme Court

The state appellate rules are clear: your notice of appeal must “designate the judgment or order from which appeal is taken.”  N.C. R. App. P. 3(d).  So, if you want
Continue Reading You Can’t Have One Without The Other: Court of Appeals Dismisses Notice of Appeal That Designates Interlocutory Order But Not Final Judgment