DRI, the Defense Research Institute, is hosting what promises to be a fantastic appellate advocacy seminar in Chicago in a few weeks, beginning on July 17.  My firm’s appellate practice group is proud to be a sponsor of the conference again this year, as we have been in the past.  There is always a decent contingent from North Carolina that makes the trek for these DRI programs because they are so valuable.  Here’s the official blurb, and hope to see you there:

The Defense Research Institute’s Appellate Advocacy Seminar will be held on July 17-18, 2014, at the Westin Chicago River North in Chicago, Illinois. The seminar will include a live oral argument on a class action fact pattern before a panel of federal judges, a discussion by in-house counsel of their use of appellate lawyers, and a federal judge addressing diversity in appellate practice.  Additionally, the seminar will have panels on the role of appellate counsel during trial, building an appellate practice, appellate motions practice, effective legal writing, legal ethics, and recent appellate court decisions of importance to litigators.

This year’s program will also feature a first—a partnering with theNational Foundation for Judicial Excellence (NFJE)and an overlap with its annual symposium, which is attended by approximately 170 sitting state court appellate judges. On the afternoon of July 18, NFJE Symposium attendees will join Appellate Advocacy Seminar attendees for two informative presentations.  To view the brochure and to register click on http://www.dri.org/Event/20140010.