With less than a month until Election Day, we want to remind our readers about the Voter Information page on this blog, maintained under the “Other Resources” tab. It contains
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Fox Rothschild's blog about practicing law in North Carolina state and federal appellate courts
With less than a month until Election Day, we want to remind our readers about the Voter Information page on this blog, maintained under the “Other Resources” tab. It contains …
Continue Reading Voter Information Update
This week the Fourth Circuit joined a growing trend in acknowledging that its judges can, and sometimes do, look outside of the joint appendix/appellate record and Westlaw/Lexis for support for …
Continue Reading Trending: Appellate Judges Use the Internet to Prepare Opinions
“Brevity is appreciated.” “A short brief can be very effective.” How many times have you heard appellate judges make statements like this about appellate briefs? While I can most certainly…
Continue Reading Appellate Brief Brevity and Success On Appeal?
Picture this: it has been two years since the last time you filed a Petition for Writ of Supersedeas in the Court of Appeals. You generally recall what to do,…
Continue Reading Appellate Rules Committee Publishes Updated Style Manual
Part of our mission here at the Appellate Practice Blog is to collect resources for appellate practitioners and make us all better at what we do. To that end, I…
Continue Reading Another Day, Another Blog: nclawblog.com Offers Insight into Appeals and Other Topics
Improving the quality of appellate advocacy is near and dear to the hearts of several of the Judges and Justices of our North Carolina appellate courts. There have been a…
Continue Reading Court of Appeals Publishes New Resource — The “Legal Standards Database”