Look around your office. There’s paper everywhere, right? Your office is a fire hazard.
How can you fix that problem? You should take two steps: (1) throw all that stuff
Continue Reading Court of Appeals Takes Baby Steps Toward Paperless Future
Fox Rothschild's blog about practicing law in North Carolina state and federal appellate courts
Look around your office. There’s paper everywhere, right? Your office is a fire hazard.
How can you fix that problem? You should take two steps: (1) throw all that stuff…
Continue Reading Court of Appeals Takes Baby Steps Toward Paperless Future
Yesterday’s blog post focused on how the Business Court Modernization Act only applies to “actions designated as mandatory complex business cases on or after” October 1, 2014. See Session Law …
Continue Reading A Perfect Storm (Part II)—Yet Another Hidden Trap With The Business Court Modernization Act Emerges
Over the past few months, we have shared several potential problems created by the Business Court Modernization Act. Nonetheless, we held a few potential traps close to our vest because,…
Continue Reading A Perfect Storm (Part I): How One Business Court Order’s Pathway To Appellate Review Is To Two Different Courts.
While we here at NCAPB concern ourselves with all things appellate, rarely do we have occasion to blog about appeals from decisions made in Small Claims Court. Cue up the…
Continue Reading At Long Last: Discussion of an Appeal from Small Claims Court
The concept of waiver is fairly straightforward and can generally be summed up by the adage “use it or lose it.” But when it comes to appellate practice, the concept…
Continue Reading Be Careful What You [Object] For
Ignore that Rule of Appellate Procedure! How often do you hear me say that? I would wager not often, but the Court of Appeals’ recent opinion in Magazian v. Creagh…
Continue Reading Notice of Appeal Perils: Further Proof that You Should Ignore Appellate Rule 3(c)(2)
Judges repeatedly tell us that the brief is our best vehicle to explain our view of the case and why the law is in our client’s favor. Unfortunately, it is…
Continue Reading A Few “Brief” Points
Thinking about proposing an alternative request for relief, asking for a clean win but informing the court that you would settle for lesser relief “in the alternative”? What about saving…
Continue Reading Alternative Requests for Relief – Reasonable or Risky Business?
1) Appeal from an order that can be appealed. The Court of Appeals reminded us today that interlocutory attorney fee awards are not immediately appealable. Cebula v. Givens Estates, Inc. …
Continue Reading How to Improve Your Chances of Winning an Appeal
The North Carolina Court of Appeals decision in Hammond v. Saini arises from a horrific set of facts. Plaintiff underwent a surgical procedure to remove a potentially cancerous growth from…
Continue Reading Medical Review and Attorney Privilege Issues are Immediately Reviewable, But Other Discovery Issues Are Generally Not